Another year has come and gone! I know I was a little slack the last couple months but thanks for following anyway. It's time to take a break from the blog but still check back from time to time because I will post anything that is "blog worthy" along our 2013 Journey. Also be sure to tune in around June 2nd as I will start a 2nd blog (to be named later). Happy New Year... see you in 2013!!

Well we did it! We made it a whole year, 365 photo documented days! I honestly can't believe I stuck with it. So here's to another year. I hope to be as dedicated to it this year as last, but don't hate me if I'm not. Let's not make this a habit though, I am not sure how Thatcher will feel if I am still taking a photo a day of him at 13. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's 1/1/11 and for my New Year's Resolution I decided to take on the Photo-A-Day project (or 365 project). Every day for the next year I will take one photo and post it to this blog. I've also decided to concentrate my focus and take only pictures of Thatcher. He's almost 10 months now, and when we are done he will be almost 22 months.... Let's watch him GROW!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cookies with Cousins

Thatcher can't stop talking about making cookies with Grandma and his cousins this afternoon!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ready for a Swim

Left Thatcher alone in the other room for a little while and this is how he emerged....

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Sliding down the big slide at the Pumpkin Festival today.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumkin Patch Field Trip

Thatcher went on his first Field Trip with his class today to Holly Fork Farm. Here is a picture of Liam, Thatcher, and Aiden after picking their pumkins that they got to take home!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eye for an Eye

Thatcher and a boy in his class exchanged face scratches today. His teacher said Thatcher only scratched the other boy after he scratched him first. Brian praised him for standing up for himself, I am not sure how I feel about it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


After laying in bed until 3pm today I finally got Thatcher to motivate outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!